Joe Acevedo, N6SIX

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Welcome To My Home Page

Welcome to my personal homepage.  I'm glad you decided to stop by and visit.  It is my hope to share with you some of my personal interests in and out of amateur radio.  Over the next few months, I hope to expand this site so you have an opportunity to get to know me a little better.  I'll share my thoughts and experiences with amateur radio equipment and other areas of the hobby.  Feel free to drop me an email anytime with your questions or suggestions.  

73 de N6SIX, Joe Acevedo.

Casa de Acevedo

Born in the Bronx, NY, my parents moved us to Long Island when I was 4. I grew up in Selden, NY, and had many great friends and experiences. There was a true sense of neighborhood and community that I wish I could have provided for my kids. Our neighbors were referred to as "Mr or Mrs", and they could discipline us in the absence of our parents... try finding THAT today.

I went away to college for a few years, and wound up joining the US Air Force. I spent 4 years in Oscoda, MI at Wurtsmith AFB. It was there that I got married and our first daughter (Jessica) was born. We didn't have very much at all, struggling to survive on an Airman's salary, but looking back at it now, it was a time and place I am glad I experienced. All of our friends were pretty much in the same situation, and we leaned on each other to get through it all. I'd like to go back to Oscoda one day...

I was then transfered to Myrtle Beach AFB, SC. It was 1984, and our second daughter (Stephanie) was born there. Myrtle Beach was completely different from Oscoda, but we enjoyed our stay there as well. After the Air Force, we moved back to Long Island and stayed there for 5 years.

It was a trip that I had to take to San Diego to escort my grandmother, who was unable to travel alone, that changed our lives.... for good. Like most people who visit San Diego, I fell in love with the area. I knew, then and there, that this was where I wanted to be. I felt that this was where I wanted to raise our kids. I believed that this was where I wanted to spend the rest of my life. Convincing my wife.... was another thing, altogether.

We've been in the San Diego area for almost 18 years now, and I think my wife is starting to get used to the idea!

Welcome to my page...glad you stopped by!

Scanning... an extension of my radio interests

While amateur radio is my main hobby, I also enjoy scanner radios and employ them in my shack as well as my vehicle. I enjoy listening to police, fire, and almost all public service agencies. I hope to develop a page to explore this interest with greater detail, and share some of the equipment I currently use, as well as some pieces I have used in the past. I'll also share many great reference sites for you check out as well.

Digital modes

I hope to share my enjoyment of the digital modes available to us in amateur radio.  From Packet Radio to APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System) to PSK-31 and D-Star, we'll look at what I have tried, what has worked for me, and what hasn't worked.  I find this area of the hobby very interesting and very rewarding.


New York Mets Baseball

My favorite sport is baseball and my favorite team are those Amazin' Mets